Katherine has worked in theater and film in San Francisco, Austin, and New York. Baltimore credits include A View From The Bridge, The Puppetmaster of Lodz, Oedipus, Faith Healer, Well Of The Saints, Old Times, Macbeth, The Real Thing, Dancing At Lughnasa, Arcadia, Three Sisters, Death and the Maiden, Tartuffe, The Little Foxes, and Our Town.
Katherine tours regionally with her interactive story dramas and a one-woman show, The Immigrant’s Trunk for the Jewish Museum of Maryland and the Baltimore Museum of Industry, is a drama specialist in Baltimore public and private schools and a Master Teaching Artist for The Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts.
Katherine studied with Jerzy Grotowski and the Polish Laboratory Theatre, Joseph Chaikin and The Talking Band, A Traveling Jewish Theatre, and Joanne Akalitis. She has a B.A. in Creative Arts from the University of Virginia and studied Creative Arts Education at San Francisco State University.
"...As Eddie's all too aware wife, Beatrice, Katherine Lyons gives a standout performance, as beautifully nuanced in voice as in gesture."
~The Baltimore Sun