Wolf Trap Workshops
BABY BOOKS, TODDLER TALES: The Story Experience Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
This highly interactive workshop teaches how the use of props, movement, music, and drama can bring toddler stories to life, reinforce concepts and literacy development, and foster in young children a love of books that will last a lifetime! Participants will be introduced to a variety of books for infants and toddlers and learn how they can be enhanced with music, movement, gestures, chants, props, using all the senses. They will practice using new and familiar books in creative ways. Includes handout. Goal: To create hands-on, multi-sensory “story experiences” for the children.

MATH DETECTIVES – WHERE’S THE MATH? Discovering the Math Hidden in Books ▲Early STEM/Arts
Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist

Is Math a Mystery to you? Do you find yourself clueless? Numbers and Number Sense,
Geometry, Measurement, Graphing, Algebra; math is everywhere if you know how to find it! Let’s look at children’s literature. Discover the Math already there, hidden in books you love. Old books, new books, we’ll learn to look at books in a different way, uncovering the natural math concepts embedded in the story experience. Includes handout.
Goal: To uncover the Math hidden in books and create active, arts-based experiences that support curriculum standards and engage children in creating and performing as a means of developing math skills.
contact: Jennifer Edelen
Director, DC/MD/VA Regional Program
Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts
Email: [email protected]
SHARE, CARE, AND PLAY FAIR: Using Drama to Enhance Children’s Social-Emotional Development
Katherine Lyons, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist
Explore children’s literature to find the messages so important to a child’s social and emotional growth. In this interactive workshop, learn drama strategies that promote the social skills of empathy, respect, self-control, kindness, cooperation, problem solving, and self-confidence in our youngest learners. By examining literature through a new lens, this workshop will build the foundation for shaping children’s hearts and minds through the arts. Includes handout.
Goal: To examine literature and drama strategies that promote children’s social-emotional development, with an emphasis on kindness, empathy, and respect for self and others.

contact: Jennifer Edelen
Director, DC/MD/VA Regional Program
Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts
Email: [email protected]